Business Friendly States: Oregon in Profile

When seeking locations to set up a new business or relocate an existing company, Oregon has many attributes that you may wish to consider. Ranked by reputable sources including Forbes and CNBC as one of the most business friendly states, Oregon business owners and enthusiastic entrepreneurs are enjoying the many benefits that this state has to offer. With low operating costs for their businesses and breathtaking surroundings throughout the state, company owners are enjoying the best of both worlds.
Business and Tax Incentives in Oregon
Statistics show that the cost for operating a business facility in the state of Oregon is on average 9 percent lower than what these costs in other regions. Business owners are able to obtain real estate for both establishing their company building structures and personal real estate needs for reasonable rates. The overall staffing expenses, extensive business tax incentives that are in place, and diverse staffing options available throughout most areas of Oregon are ensuring that business owners are seeing returns on the investments they are making. Some of the Oregon tax incentives that are in place include Enterprise Zones Incentive, Strategic Investment Program, Construction in Process Incentive, the Oregon Investment Advantage Incentive, Employer provided Dependent Care Tax Credit, Work Opportunity Tax Credit, Research Tax Credit, Film and Video Industry Incentives, as well as a wide selection of renewable energy incentives and grant programs. Business owners and eager entrepreneurs are able to apply for multiple financial programs and adjustment plans that are available, many of which are renewable from one year to another.
Employment in Oregon
Many major private employers have found Oregon to provide the right opportunities for their businesses. These companies include Oregon Health and Science University, Hewlett Packard, Kaiser Permanente, Oregon State University, Nike Incorporated, University of Oregon, Lane Community College, Rogue Valley Medical Center, and Portland International Airport. Major industries that Oregon is well known for include the government, professional and business services, education, healthcare, manufacturing, construction, mining, as well as trade, transportation and utilities. Businesses within these industries are seeing an increasing growth in numbers due to the significant technological advancements and innovation offered through the workforce that is available within the state.
Education and Training in Oregon
The state of Oregon has an overall high retention rate for college graduates. As home to reputable colleges, universities, and trade centers including Concordia University, Corban University, Natural College of Natural Medicine and Marylhurst University, emerging professionals are strengthening the various industries available throughout Oregon. Working with these highly recognized educational facilities, businesses of all shapes and sizes are creating hands-on training programs that give them access to lower staffing expenses while utilizing the highly sought after skills student participants are bringing to the workplace. In turn, students are able to gain real-world experience with some of their chosen industry leaders right by their side.
While Oregon is relatively small in population compared to other states throughout the country, this state does have a significantly large amount of metropolitan areas. Some of these metropolitan regions within the state include Portland, Salem, The Dalles, La Grande, Hood Rivers, Corvallis, Albany, Bend-Prineville, Brookings, and Medford-Grants Pass. Business owners have found that the state of Oregon has a well planned out transportation system in place that prevents excessive traffic congestion both in and around these metropolitan areas.
Working and Living in Oregon
The personal aspects of choosing to build and operate a business entity in Oregon are just as rewarding. Business owners choosing to move their businesses to the area, as well as emerging entrepreneurs will find Oregon has inviting living conditions for raising families. With a strong government in place, friendly communities, lower than average costs of living, affordable priced real estate, and well functioning personal service businesses most neighborhoods throughout the state meet the diverse needs of these business owners for their personal living needs.
In Conclusion
Whether it is your dream of owning and operating your first business, or you want to expand your existing business to a thriving area, you will find that there are many resources to help you on your business venture in the state of Oregon.